Find Your Sleep Bliss

Ella Grace Hanover Ella Grace Hanover

Common Causes of Split Nights and How to Fix Them

One of the most common (and exhaustive) sleep struggles I help my clients work through is a split night. Simply put, your little one’s sleep cycles aren’t aligned for consolidated nighttime sleep, so they’re wide-eyed and ready to play in the middle of the night.

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Ella Grace Hanover Ella Grace Hanover

How to get your six-month old sleeping through the night.

At six months, your little one is becoming more aware of their surroundings, they’re grabbing, sitting up, teething, maybe crawling and they might be developing some separation anxiety too. All of these factors can contribute to your baby waking up through the night and having a difficult time settling back to sleep. So how do you get your six-month old sleeping through the night?

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Ella Grace Hanover Ella Grace Hanover

When and How to Drop Your Toddler's Nap

So, your toddler is starting to resist their nap, and you're wondering if it's time to let go of that daytime sleep. This is a big milestone for both you and your child, and it can be pretty nerve-wracking. 

How do you know it’s time to say goodbye to the nap? And maybe more concerning, how can you make the transition without everyone in tears by 5pm?

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